Saturday, July 20, 2013

Your Girlfriend Becky Turns You into Her Cuckold Clean-Up Slave

"I logged on to your computer and found out what you've been fantasizing about behind my back: 'Cuckolding', huh? I had to look up the word. But now that I know what it is, you're gonna get a faceful of it starting tonight, wimp. I just let your rival fuck me. Now you're gonna clean it up like a good little jerk slave..." 


  1. Princess Becky is amazingly hot!!

  2. When Princess Becky is doing either of the step-daddy videos, her sarcasm and humiliating laughter is very, very hot. If she were to get really furious and demanding for a few periods when her step-daddy is not entirely obedient, I feel that would make the entire video a super femdom classic. I really, really beg her to read this comment!!!!

  3. Oh yes, Goddess Becky! Force me to eat cum of her boyfriends. Turn me your Sissy Maid Slave.

  4. comunidade Cuckold !

  5. I'm terrified of Becky, but then I'm terrified of all women, and petrified of men. When I was very little I went through an inconceivably traumatic period, starting when my mom made me go to Sunday school. From the very first day I was heartbroken to no end seeing all the girls getting to wear adorable girly-girl femmy dresses. Like the ones they got to wear to birthday parties...billowing with crisp fluffy lace with poofy chiffon crinoline slips and I...I, oh dear gawd it still crushes my soul to even remember that, I, I, had...too wear a stupid boy a man's suit but for a boy! That permanently damaged my development and started me out on emotionally unstable ground. Even though I understood that they wanted all the boys to dress in boy clothes when in classes, but I thought surely when not in classes with other boys I would be able to dress and act as femmy girly as possible. Talk about devastatingly unfair! I broke down bawling when Dad said "Boys don't wear dresses" and would not eat for days. I remember vividly the first time a boy called me a sissy...It felt so good I got that warm feeling up my spine and looked at myself in the boy's room mirrors, just smiling and thinking "Yes, Yes, YES! I AM a SISSY and I LOVE being ONE. Shortly after I discovered cross-dressing at about age five and I knew for certain that I wanted to make sure That I would ALWAYS be a transvestite! I promised myself I would never outgrow it. I did it every chance I got and then when other boys were starting to discover girls, I decided that I did not want to have anything to do with them out of extreme fear that getting involved with girls could screw up my crossdressing.
